Plymouth Holiday Market

Plymouth Memorial Hall 83 Court St, Plymouth, MA, United States

Come visit me at the Plymouth Holiday Market December 5th! A one-day handmade holiday shopping festival. I'll be one of 75 local artisans offering everything from gifts, specialty foods, and antiques. I would love to meet you!

24th Annual Crafts Fair and Holiday Bazaar

Salem High School 77 Willson Street, Salem, MA, United States

Come visit me in Salem at the Music Boosters Craft Fair and Holiday Bazaar. I will be there all day, so stop by any time between 10 and 3!

Maker’s Market at Mill No. 5

Come check out the Maker's Market on the 5th floor of Mill No. 5 in Historic downtown Lowell to find handmade gifts and goods just in time for Valentine's Day!